Check out our new activities!
Hands-on Activities
Whether you are using the online Spanish program or our physical curriculum (or a combination), the FL4K Spanish program includes over 100 hands-on activities for teachers, facilitators, and parents who are able to be more involved with their students’ learning.

How it works
Students watch a short 5-minute video and then practice what they have learned through online and hands-on activities.
Each video and culture section in our Spanish curriculum come with several different hands-on activities. These options allow teachers and parents to choose activities that work for their situation, depending on time, the skills they want to prioritize, and what’s most engaging to their students.

Why it works
Why the activities work
They allow students to practice and reinforce what they’re learning in fun and diverse ways.
They help students start thinking in Spanish and conversing spontaneously.
They're appropriate for students to do together, regardless of age or level of Spanish.
They balance the online program.
They are fun for everyone: teachers, parents, and students alike.
They also provide a nice balance to the online program and can be used with only the Spanish videos, if preferred.
They provide variations for teachers and parents so they don’t have to speak Spanish unless they want to.
They are fun for everyone, teachers, parents and students alike.